Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Critters dropping dead all over the world...

Dodo Bird: Extinct
Less than a week into 2011 and already we are getting reports of birds and fish dying unaccountably all over the planet.  What started in Arkansas has now migrated to various spots in the US, the latest being millions of dead fish in Chesapeake Bay on Tuesday.  Around the world, more bird die-offs were reported in Brazil and New Zealand.

Various theories have surfaced.  In some cases they fit.  For instance, in Maryland it's assumed that the fish have died from "cold-water stress."  Long-shot, but makes sense.  The winter is exceedingly cold this year.  AquaBlog disputes this theory.  And there will be many people, including myself, who will not go along with the "official" facile explanations given by the authorities. In Brazil they admit that they have no clue what it could be but are keeping a short list of possibilities.

If two or three of these events had taken place within a few days of each other on opposite sides of the globe we could dismiss them as acts of nature, but when these die-offs are happening in half a dozen spots around the world with more occurring unexpectedly without explanation then we have to think twice about what these events might be auguring.

These recent die-offs are by far not the prevailing ones.  These were like a mild shock and made noticeable because the birds were strewn across streets were they could not be avoided.  The die-offs that have been going on for years, bees and frogs, for instance, and various other animals, are still ongoing.  Here's a map that pinpoints where these die-offs are taking place around the globe.

On February 11, 2011 the Ninth and final cycle of the Mayan Calendar will be activated.  We will have reached the final level of the Mayan pyramid, the Universal Underworld.  This cycle will reach completion on October 28, 2011, according to Carl Calleman, thus ending the Mayan Calendar once and for all, at least for this cycle.

It is said that time has been speeding up since 1980 because of the increase in the earth's pulse.  Couple this phenomenon with the cosmic rays that are said to be showering the Earth and her inhabitants in preparation for an unprecedented transformation in human consciousness, and you will be better prepared to accept the mind bending phenomena that will unfold this year, leaving no doubt in the minds of those who have been anticipating this time in human history for decades.

Some people believe that 2011 will be a year of reckoning, where people will be forced to see what has been slowly growing over the years, where denial will no longer be an option.  It will be a year when the devil pays his dues.