Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Deciphering the indicators...

Lauren Gorgo is in good form, as usual, in her monthly message.  Channels are like authors, they have their individual styles.  Some channels seem to copy other channels, or so it would seem.  This is likely when the source is fundamentally the same.  For instance, SaLuSa and Shelden Nidle, as well as Kris-Won, would be likely to give similar messages because they are supposedly channeling entities from the same coalition.  Yet Nidle sometimes speaks of his Sirian ETs giving super-weapon technology to the military when the good times begin to roll.  This type of promise is completely opposite to what Mike Quincey is transmitting, who presumably gets his info from the same central hub.  The very idea that ultra high tech weapons will be laid at the feet of military leaders is completely contrary to the central purpose of the messages. 

Some people may think that it makes no difference what they say because they're off their rocker anyway.  But consider that human consciousness can open up to all kinds of strange things, concepts, fractal pieces that expand into realities all their own.  They can seem foreign to an extreme to "rational" people.

Most people blinded by media bling in all its forms will be hard put to see any value in channelers or what they have to say.  If you do take interest in them, they are to be taken as "indicators" first and foremost.  Nothing more, nothing less.

Dismissing concepts that rock the boat is precisely why we are in the mess we're in today.  We have forgotten to think for ourselves and have relied solely on what the mainstream media dictates to us.  Continuing on this visionless path will leave you unprepared for the inevitable events to follow.

Lauren Gorgo has her own unique style.  Her messages "resonate" in the best sense of the word.  This is indicative of any channel if you are to have a connection with them.  Your intuitive connection is required in order to complete the transmission.  You can tell when Lauren is being herself and when her words become a tool for something outside of herself.  The truth is, even if what she is saying is coming solely from her consciousness, it would not matter.  It would still apply.  The ascension up the Nine Steps of the pyramid is all about expanding consciousness.  What is coming through in the delineation of our collective reality mirrors this progression.