Sunday, January 9, 2011


There will be speculations galore as to why Jared Lee Loughner went on a shooting spree in Tucson yesterday.  And just like some of his predecessors such as Sirhan Sirhan, Lee Harvey Oswald, and John Hinkley, there will be suspicions that the trigger man's deeds went above and beyond personal motives.

In Alfred Webre's article concerning this tragic event, he zeros in on the possibility that Loughner was a brainwashed assassin programmed by agents working for the international illicit drug trade, headed by operatives working on behalf of the British monarchy.  A bit over the top, but his YouTube channel has four disturbing videos that hint at this possibility holding at least a grain of truth; that he was a brainwashed gunman, not that he worked for British operatives. His unusual interest in conscious dreams is also relevant here.  He studied the subject in college, and quite possibly shamanism as well.

Being a brainwashed gunman doesn't necessarily mean that you were brainwashed by someone outside yourself.  We all program ourselves simply by what we feed our brain, including the music we listen to.  Loughner was living in his own abstraction of reality.  His motives go in many different directions, and the one that comes to mind is on the outer fringes of the unbelievable, involving hyper-dimensional entities plying our reality to suit their very personal needs. A good website for this is

Aside from allegedly sending a message to those who would interfere with Mexico's (and world banking's) drug cartels, there's the added notion that Loughner was a false flag catalyst implemented to further erode our constitutional rights by providing an excuse for yet more restrictions on our freedom.  And though it may seem miles apart and unrelated, I find it bizarrely coincidental, in an occult sort of way, that the bird die-offs and the Arizona shootings happened within days of each other.

Regardless of what your thoughts might be concerning this, Webre's article is worth reading because of his added insights.  He puts some pieces together that fit snugly, but the puzzle is far from completed.  There's also the matter of the "second suspect" who is still being sought.  But Loughner strikes me as a loner, someone who wanted attention focused exclusively on him.  On his YouTube page in the About Me section, he writes:  My name is Jared Lee Loughner!  with an exclamation mark.  This guy is a square peg wanting to fit into a round hole on his terms.