Monday, April 24, 2023

the plasma center


Metal chairs hold up donor butts
–big butts, little butts, puckered butts, clean butts, dirty butts, crusty butts, smooth butts, and donors with butt-less no-butt butts.
(imagine that: no-butt butts.)
Outside butts are burning, smoke rising from butts as donors wait to bleed in plastic sacks.
Inside the waiting room is full of yakking voices.
Lips are moving, mouths are talking.
All need money for rent, food, shortdogs, and drug scores.
In the backroom, the machine imbibes life out of impounded arms.
15 gauge needles (hollow nails) pierce the flesh of the hungry-eyed hordes.
milk them like goats.
take your pint.
wait for the red cell re-infusion.
…rest now.
drink your juice.
don’t forget your meal ticket.
a good pork chop sandwich will set you new again.