A certain satisfaction has crept in among 2012ers and conspiracy bluffs lately. People who would otherwise listen to Oprah and talk football to an extreme, are beginning to feel that something indeed is going on, not just in some crackpot's paranoia. They are beginning to see the weather go haywire, witness birds, fish, and cows drop like stones, feel the Earth beneath their feet tremble in terrifying intensity. All this with a new interest of concern, perhaps realizing that something is catching up with them and they cannot hide.
That humans are running around acting like assholes is not so strange. When violence and tussles among people erupt around the world, we hardly give it a second thought. In Tunisia the only question I have is, what is going to fill the political void? And what are the odds that it will be any different from what it was?
But when it comes to nature showing unusual quirks, people pay attention. The msm is still smiling and peddling its commercial wares, intent on being the distracting hand in this very obvious slight of hand.
On a different bent, Colleen Thomas continues on her bandwagon concerning the atmospheric poisoning that is taking place wholesale around the world. Though she is in serious need of a p.r. coach, I believe her heart is in the right place. I just wish she would follow some basic journalistic protocol when it comes to accusations and facts. It would go a long way in establishing her credibility. Here's a recent message from her concerning the bane that is plaguing farmers in the Midwest and elsewhere in the country. She may even want to get in touch with Gunderson and give him a good rant on the matter.
By the way, cows are dropping dead now, and not a peep from any anchor on the airwaves.