Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The March 9, 2011 kick-off...

Carl Calleman has sent a reminder of the March 9, 2011 kick-off for the ascent into the Ninth Wave, the final step in the Mayan pyramid.  Others talk of the same thing using different words but coded with the same meaning.
SaLuSa says: "...You will move on to group consciousness, which explains why some channels do in fact talk in one voice for their group. We hasten to add that you still retain your individualism, and are not bound to stay with one group forever. Evolution is about choice and choosing your pathway back to the Source. In fact all that you do is about your choice, and nothing is placed upon you unless you have first agreed to it..."

Calleman refers to this "group consciousness" as unity consciousness in his recent article that delves into a mind-clearing recap of what this unique date is about.  The majesty of Bolon Yokte Ku (a personification of the Ninth Wave) will begin to manifest and reach completion on Oct. 28, 2011, rolling out the path to 2012.

Another common word for this final step up the Nine Levels of the Pyramid is Ascension.

Calleman goes on to downgrade other common 2012 beliefs: "So whatever else you might have heard associated with the end of the Mayan calendar such as a pole shift, the end of the world, a galactic alignment, solar flares, radiation from the center of the galaxy, etc., actually lacks foundation in any ancient Mayan text."

This does not mean that some of the mentioned phenomena is not, or will not occur, but that they are not the focus of  the Mayan Calendar.  After all, these were people who embedded death heads into their architecture and art.  The last thing they were afraid of was death.  Instead, according to Calleman, the principle reason to pay attention to 2012 is to have our lights turned up.